We cannot help but notice – change is all around us. Everywhere – life is asking in many different ways possible, and even demanding that we change. We often may feel that all the chaotic changes in the world make no sense and more problems are occurring, however, this is just on the surface and beneath all this is a total restructure for the best of the bigger picture. Humanity has been on a path for thousands of years and it has been about the survival of the fittest for many years. It is now inevitable that the entire world will have to undergo an entire shift and the time has come for it.
Often, it may occur as an urge from deep within our core that reminds us to finally follow our inner calling or for us to dream new dreams and go after making them happen. Other times, life gives us no other way than to change our entire life path by taking us out of our old patterns, the places we had grown used to and especially that false identity or façade of security that kept us in our comfort zone, and putting us in alignment with our true life purpose. Life has been requesting from us to transform and if we try to deny or escape some of these changes, soon enough we are faced with the fact that there really is no way out. On the brighter side, these changes create an excellent platform and opportunity for spiritual growth and development on a higher level of our being.
We are living interesting times as inexplicable as they often may seem. We are part of the big changes that humanity is undergoing and every single one of us alive during such times is part of this contribution that will change everything, each one of use is here to make a difference. The time for world transformation has come and we all are already key role players in it so step fully into your power and own it.
It is sometimes challenging to be part of any kind of change and especially change that is happening on a global level; however there is no longer any way to avoid that inevitable transformation. As much as it is a challenging time, it is also the greatest opportunity in history to make a profound and significant difference. You and I get to be that difference by contributing to world change; effecting millions of people for unlimited generations to come. Imagine that! Instead of waiting for a sign to go forward with this, go ahead, step fully into your power and choose it for yourself. Step out of your comfort zone, show up for yourself and make the significant life changes for your own life which will have a ripple effect on the entire world.
You don’t have to wait for some divine sign that tells you that you are the part of this change, rather you simply have to choose it for yourself. Have you ever experienced, aspects of passion ignited within your soul or feel you are called to do something in the world that makes a profound difference?
It is now time to shine your light to the world rather than play small. It is time to listen to the inner calling of your soul and follow it since it is the guide to your true calling. If you go deep enough within yourself, you will find the answers of what to do. You do not need extra confirmation from the universe to show you your exact path; you need only take the first step and the Universe will support you and guide you in your choices. It is a choice that you make for yourself; when you do, all else will be revealed in Divine Time.