You live in a financially driven world, you can either resist that and make yourself miserable or find and embrace aspects that you do love about a world that runs on the basis of finance and continue to be in a state of joy and therefore alignment with your higher self.

Money does not begin “out there”; it begins in the mind. If you focus at the world with an attitude of abundance, abundance must come to you.  This is universal law.  A bonus that in today’s society is not just beneficial, it is necessary. We cannot focus on things that cause us to feel as if we lack money and make money at the same time.  We cannot focus at things that cause us to believe that it is hard to make money and make money easily at the same time.  We cannot need/want money and hate/reject money at the same time without getting stuck in a holding pattern where no money flows into our experience. The real reason that people, who come from wealth, create more wealth is less about the luck of their financial resources, as it is that their parents taught them to think rich instead of think poor.  In a world where money begins in the mind, the person who thinks rich is rich.  The person who thinks poor is poor.

The idea that spirituality and money cannot co-exist and that there is something ethically wrong with turning spirituality into a business is a sacred (false) idea to many. Assigning value to your offering on a spiritual level is no different than assigning a value to an item that is totally unrelated to spirituality because the item is no less spiritual than your spiritual work is. Money is an extension of source energy.

Most of us who are dedicated to spirituality pour our own mind, heart soul, money and time into spiritual practice.  We dedicate our lives to it in the same way that any other professional pours their existence into their trade.  So the question to ask is:  Do you value your dedication and your skills?  Do you think highly enough of yourself or what you have to offer (your expertise) that it is conceivable that what you know could benefit and therefore be valuable to someone else?

In today’s society, would you ask a surgeon or a psychologist to do what they do for free? The answer is NO. But this is what many of us are expecting of ourselves when we are in the spiritual field!

If people don’t think what you’re offering is worth the monetary value you decide to place on something, they do not have to buy it.  That is not your problem.  It is not your job to make them happy.They feel powerless towards their own happiness and powerless towards money.  They feel that their happiness is dependent on you making them happy.  Mentally, they have money wrapped up with corruption and evil and the lack of money wrapped up in righteousness and virtue.  It isn’t true; but it is the reality they’ve bought into. You validate those things for them if you sacrifice yourself to accommodate them. You may gain their approval, but is approval really worth sacrificing yourself for?

Do you want to dedicate your life to spiritual practice and to providing others with the fruits of that dedication?  Or do you want to work at a job that you do not feel passion for, just because you have been told and you have been telling yourself that it is more ethical?  Is it really more ethical to make money doing something you don’t actually want to do than it is to involve money in your spiritual practice?

You can still be a free loving, kind, compassionate and generous person and set a price on whatever it is that you are offering.   You aren’t expecting everyone to pay that price.  You’re simply expecting that there will be people on this planet who value what you’re offering enough to get that price.  The ball called free will is still in their court.  They can always choose whether that price is worth what they are going to get out of it or not.  And if it feels like a risk to spend that money, they can choose whether the risk is worth it or not.  You aren’t controlling them in any way. Most people are actually glad to contribute to your success and wellbeing, which is what money can allow us to do (it allows us to participate in other people’s thriving).  If they aren’t glad, it is because they feel powerless to money and feel taken advantage of by other people when asked to do what they don’t feel capable of doing (such as spending money).  If this is the case, it is because they do not actually see value in what you do.  Again that is not your problem.  That is up to them whether they see or don’t see value.  You are supporting the well being of the world by flowing money in the direction of what brings you joy.

The bottom line is:  You should be doing the job that you would be doing both: If you never got paid a cent for it and If you were so wealthy you didn’t need to get paid for it. But there is nothing wrong with earning an income to support your day-to-day life and the lives of those who depend on you while doing that thing that you love the most. Receiving money for what you love to do is just a bonus.




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